Monday, March 1, 2010

A Garden is a Possibility!

This afternoon, our community's Recreation Department brochure came in the mail. I glanced through it, looking for classes or any interesting things, and there it was on page 22:


I couldn't believe it - I've been trying to find out where/how/when to sign up for a community garden plot for about 3/4 of a year now. I saw some garden plots off to the side of the main road last summer, but couldn't find any information online. Finally I have the info! For just $20 for the season, you get a 20' x 20' plot of earth. That's 400 square feet! It's first come, first served for newbies after the people who did it last year sign up and they have 120 plots - so I'm hoping that I will get a plot. Tuesday the 16th is the day... wish me luck!

Here's what I want to grow in my garden, using all organic growing techniques, of course: tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, spring onions, zucchini, swiss chard, lettuce, beets, carrots, basil, parsley, broccoli, onions, potatoes, and more! I don't know what I would start with, being a new gardener.

Any suggestions? What do you think are the easier things to grow?


  1. I vote for the herbs. I put thyme on everything -- that, and tabasco sauce. Can you grow tabasco sauce?

  2. Awesome!! (And yay, a new post!!)

    Potatoes are supposed to be very easy... you just need soil that is very loose and not rocky so that they can grow easily. How about string beans? Mom used to plant those all the time. And pumpkins in the fall? I'm so jealous!! C-wood hasn't finished planning community gardens yet (sometime in the future there should be something) so I'll be excited when they do.

  3. I'm just excited that I'll be able to order from my Seed Savers catalogue! I need to review so much - like when to start inside, when to put them outside, when to plant, then how to plant...there's so much to review! I'm such a newbie! Also, I want to plant the same thing spaced out in kind of a series so that the tomatoes, for example, have a longer lifespan. String beans are a great idea - I love them! And yes, plenty of herbs - that will be awesome. Tabasco sauce, I'm not sure how to grow that! :) I can't wait until March 16th so I'll know for sure if I have a plot!!!

  4. Um, BW, when am I supposed to broadcast my clover seed? Is it right after the ground thaws?
